***WebGL is really laggy. You can find the EXE file at https://globalgamejam.org/2021/games/no-colour-no-favour-7***


"Have you lost your mind?"

"No.. I'm... free...."

Chicks normally collect eggs - it is their duty.

But there always be ones who LOST their minds AND FOUND themselves free.

Are you going to be one of them? Or you want to keep your sanity?

If you have COLOUR, you might be blessed and highly FAVOURED!

Team: Bike for Life

[This game is intended to be a multiplayer game, but the time of GGJ2021 is up :(]

[Well, a lot of buggies too :(]


A, S, W, D for movements

Spacebar or Left Mouse Click for Attacking / Hold for Dragging

Drag eggs to your home to score

Score 10 before time runs out to win

If you don't want to be normal, just go killing the "lost" chicks. You will lose yourself instead. Prevent the "normal" ones to score. When time runs out, you win.


BGM from Bensound.com

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